Saturday, June 21, 2008

And so it begins...

The site scrape was completed on Friday - great to see some action finally.

From the drive way looking to the far right corner of the block.

From the right looking to the far left corner of the block.

From the far right corner of the block looking to the driveway. (Car is parked in the drive bay)

From the far left corner looking at the driveway.

A hint of what our views will be like (standing on a pile of gravel) :)

And finally... that shiny new tap!


Lach & Mich said...

Hi Ben and Debbie,
Wow! after all the blog I read on PD homes, finally someone building a Windsor! We are in the middle of building one too, and have about 10 weeks to go until handover. I don't have a blog, but love reading everyone elses. Good luck. - what Facade are you going with? we have the Santa Fe. A fully rendered house shoulg look great too.


Debbie said...

We're going with a modified Brighton facade (extended mock-balcony). There are actually quite a few Windors going up around us.